John Henry SiskVP Business Development

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John Henry Sisk is the Vice President of Development, responsible for the leadership and expansion of Closeline’s continued development around the country. He is a veteran in the mortgage industry, having more than 10 years of mortgage operations experience, and licensed Title Agent in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.
John Henry has a passion for flying and is a professional pilot with advanced certificates in fixed wing aircraft. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore in both aviation and sociology.
Prior to his current position, he was the Principal Partner for Remotion, where he developed and managed the company from its beginning. Before establishing Remotion, John Henry served as Director of Operations at Validata Lender Services, a Closeline company. In this role, he began to build a rapport with customers based upon trust and established long-lasting relationships with various lenders. He has managed a network of appraisers, order processing, and the negotiation and maintenance of Closeline’s national network of branch offices around the country.
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